The Central Macedonia Region, specifically the Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia 2000-2006, is implementing in collaboration with the K.E.D.AR. the program “Continuation of the action: Subsidy for the Municipal Development Enterprise of Arnaia K.E.D.AR. for the creation of the structure ‘Paleochori Childcare Center’,” co-financed by 65% from the European Social Fund and 35% from national participation.
The space where the structure operates is located in the Paleochori community and is easily and quickly accessible. The area covers 300 square meters, with a 400 square meter outdoor space, and has two rooms.
Indirect beneficiaries of the initiative include:
- Families with children
- Businesses
The broader social and economic benefits of the initiative are:
- Increase in family allowance
- Increase in women’s employability
- Creation of employment positions
- Promotion of equal opportunities
- Improvement of services provided to infants
- Improvement of the living standards of the residents
- Development and improvement of social policy and care for the residents.
Contact phone: 23720 41676