> Aristotle
> The Mines
> Mount Athos
A thousand year old historyAghiou Pavlou (St Paul) monasteryVatopediou monasteryGregoriou monasteryDionysiou monasteryDochiariou monasteryEsfigmenou monasteryZografou monasteryIviron monasteryKarakalou monasteryKoutloumousiou monasteryKonstamonitou monasteryMegistis Lavras monasteryXenophontos monasteryXiropotamou monasteryPanteleimonos monasteryPantokratoros monasterySimonos Petras monasteryStavronikita monasteryPhilotheou monasteryHilandariou monastery
Zorbas-Kazantzakis WINTER PICTURESIT'S SPRINGTIMEAristotelia eventsCultural Center of AristotleMonastic Guest quarter of Panagia-Joy for the sad onesThe aquarium of IerissosCanal of XerxesCultural EventsHistorical-Folklore museum of ArnaiaCenter of Environmental Education of ArnaiaCultural Center of IerissosThe Weaving museum of ArnaiaThe choirs of Aristotle MunicipalityThe shipyards of IerissosTextilesThe pilgrimage of Megali PanagiaLocal festivals
The aquarium of Ierissos
It might not be large or impressive but thousands of young visitors stick their faces on the glass for hours and refuse to leave. They particularly appreciate it! It is located in a semi-basement space, on the beach of Ierissos and houses fish, sea species and shellfish from the gulf of Ierissos such as mormyruses, stingrays, scorpions, mullets, basses, groupers, breams, lobsters, flying fish etc. It has a capacity of 40 cubic meters and contains seawater that is constantly renewed by a special pump that is connected to the sea.
The aquarium is open all day and the entrance is free.